Focus - Photo Challenge: ReshootWow, it has been a long time since I wrote a new blog entry. It's been a strange time between the last entry. I haven't been able to put the time into my photography that I would have liked, and for a while there I was lacking in motivation. BUT...the motivation is back and so am I. The theme for this week is actually the theme from last week. I was really busy last week when we picked this theme, and I wanted to do this one well, so we extended it. I am really glad too, because I am pleased with the results. This topic was one that I suggested. I thought it would be a fun exercise to go back and photograph something we have done already. Many times I have photographed a thing or place and after the fact thought of a different image that didn't come to mind while I was there. Also, as I look back on my past work I have many examples of photographs that I very much feel I could do it better now. This is what I chose to focus on with this week's challenge. And, to be honest, I really think I produced a much better result this time. Of course, that's the point, right? I often laugh at car commercials that claim "This is our best model ever!" Well, yeah, I would hope so. How silly would it be to say "This one is pretty good, but the model from 2 years ago was actually better." Well, that was a strange diversion, but seriously, this is the best version of these photos ever. Now let's get on with it.
For this set of images I went back to week 1 of our challenge. The theme was to shoot the same thing every day for a week. My "thing" was water. I did this water drop on the first day and really felt that I could do much better. I did some reading on how to place the lighting and what to use for the container and the drops. I was happy with my lighting, but I didn't have as much control over the drops. Once everything is in place, it's all about timing. The color in the water came from the color background. The water picks up the reflection of the flash on the paper and takes on whatever color paper I used. Overall though I think the result is good.
For the other set of images, I wanted to head back to the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (or The Modern as we artsy people call it - and everyone else calls it that too I guess). Anyway, I have shot that building once before and didn't go during a good time of day for lighting, so I got a result that was just OK. I have seen it lit up at night and knew I wanted to get it then. I didn't realize that the way it is lit changes, so I took what I had. Here is my original shot of the building. I went back before dark and got this one as the sun was going down. I wanted to get a shot of the buildings that I hadn't seen before. I felt like this was unique in that it focused more on the rocks in the foreground and de-emphasized the buildings somewhat.
The blue lighting on the building worked really well with the color of the sky and reflection in the water.
This was a really good exercise. It was good to go back and look for ways to improve what I have done in the past. It was really good to be successful at doing better than I have done in the past. So, I hope you enjoyed the rerun.
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Fort Worth,
Fort Worth,
Fort Worth Photography,
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth,
Photo Challenge,
The Modern,
Water droplet photography,
Water droplets,
Water drops
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Dianah Thelen(non-registered)
These are beautiful. You must see why the Impressionists repeated the same subject under different times, lights, seasons. Maybe you are a modern day impressionist. I would call your efforts refinement, because to the untrained eye, they did not need improvement.
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